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The Procedures and Progression of Dismissal from the PCUSA

The process of dismissal began when the Session of First Presbyterian Church of Tecumseh (FPC) proposed to the congregation a course of action to separate from the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA).   Their proposal was based upon the authority of God's Word regarding the PCUSA position on abortion and homosexuality, and the large percentage of pastors and leaders who were appropriating positions inconsistent with the historical tenets of our faith.  The congregation voted 83%-17% on October 10, 2010 to request dismissal from the PCUSA.  For further information regarding the proposal to the congregation click here.

The formal request for dismissal was submitted to the Maumee Valley Presbytery (MVP), who then selected an Administrative Commission to facilitate the process of dismissal and make recommendations.  This commission met with various members of FPC to identify those wishing to remain with the PCUSA, and to identify the commitment of those desiring to leave.  Those members wishing to stay with the PCUSA were labeled by the Administrative Commission as the Foundation Group.  Those desiring to transfer from the PCUSA to the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) were labeled the Leaving Group.  Both groups met separately with the Administrative Commission.  Communications and meetings also transpired between the two identified groups. Click here to read more about Facts and Questions regarding the Dismissal Process from the PCUSA.

Aside from valuing the strong commitment of the EPC to Biblical truths and the teachings of Jesus Christ, affiliating with this denomination would also award significant changes ruling church property, the levels of domination by the Presbytery and the General Assembly, and would relieve bureaucratic governing. Click here to read the differences between the PCUSA and the EPC.

From the beginning of the process of dismissal, the agenda of the Administration Commission has been to give credence to the Foundation Group and chastise the Session of FPC, while at the same time discredit and remove the pastor.  These aggressive and unfair actions have required FPC to retain a lawyer and challenge the claims in Church Court. Legitimate challenging is a process outlined in the PCUSA bylaws.

From Faith to Victory

The Long Journey to Dismissal

by Mary Cates

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